a. I made homemade granola for the first time: as HannahVee and I have begun to say, I luh it.
b. Its the final week of the wonderful-inspiring-academically-challenging-Scientific-Enterprise.
For the most part, I say that seriously. Its been a good class for sure. A little dry at times, but several honest conversation/discussions in class more than made up for that. Usually I don't speak in classes such as these, particularly when there are many outspoken people (which there were a few in this class). But one day I had about 3 cups of coffee and we were talking about climate change and environmental stewardship and I started jumping right in in terms of discussion. The passion button was turned on. I even recited a quote to the class, haha. It's a quote by James Speth that has been a constant guide to me as I've thought about creation care:
I used to think the top environmental problems facing the world were global warming, environmental degradation, and eco-system collapse.. but I was wrong. The real problem is not those three items, but greed, selfishness and apathy. And for that we need a spiritual and cultural transformation.”
It reminds me that people of faith, and the way of life they choose to embody, can change things in significant ways.
Kind of nice that my May term class ended up continuing to fuel the things I learned in Belize. The things I am currently learning...
If I may, I'll take a brief detour to recap the past month.
Part I: HannahVee and I take on life in Ferrin headfirst, making it our home for a few weeks. Obsessive composting, repurposing, putting up clotheslines, the cutting of hair, the breaking of bread, and the hosting of funerals for birds are a few of the things that made us the strangefolk of summer housing. Props to the magnificent Jess Hunkler who both provided the clothesline and joined in our strangeness these weeks.
Part IIa: Hannah departs and I'm left all alone with my lettuce plant (which, by the way, is my first attempt at growing food, and has blessed me with many delicious leaves thus far!). Just kidding about the alone part... stretches of solitude have been nice, healing to say the least. Plus, a last-minute babysitting job, trips to Marty's with random summer-housing friends, farming, tea with Jess, and plenty of homework more than filled my time for this part.
Part IIb: Mom visits! This deserves special mention. I was so thrilled that my mom was able to take off work and come spend the weekend with me, and moreso that all my homework was CANCELLED for the weekend, that I decided to go all out. I called it a last-minute mother's day gift, planned an itinerary for us, decorated the room, and used my surprise baby sitting money to treat her to some yummy foods. It was a great success!
I felt that the whole weekend served to not only draw us closer, but to help us to understand and communicate with each other better, something that's been a perrenial struggle in our relationship. One day we shared a lunch with farmers Ben and Devon, having an open and lengthy conversation about God, the earth, food and heaven. As most of you know, its hard to find words to describe these conversations, other than Good. But more than that, the next day we had a picnic just the two of us by the ocean in Beverly. We spent hours sitting in the grass and talking- about people, places, dreams, forgiveness. Friends, it was so Good.
Mom at "secret beach", a recent discovery
And that about brings me to the present. To share one more recent highlight from this week, I must mention swimming accross Gull with Sarah, Genny, and Alegra (its been a joy to cross paths with them here!). I'm pretty sure I speak for all of us when I say it was breathtaking. We were lost in the beauty of the blue sky, the lilly pads, the feeling of warm water and cold toes; not much talking, but more laughing was had by all. What a gift this place is. And what a gift it is to be here. I thank God that places like this exist.
Friends, I hope wherever you are, your heart has found itself uttering the same statement.
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