Saturday, June 19, 2010

But Oh, I know my Guide

Hello You Three,
Right now I am in my living room, on a Saturday afternoon, and the windows are open. It is 78 degrees in here, and 88 degrees out there. I am listening to the Beatles. Ten minutes ago I drove back on the scooter from a babysitting job in a nearby neighborhood, where I hung out with a baby for 6 hours. It was a good way to start my weekend, for sure.

I must say, I had such a grand time with Ashley the other night. We met up at Square One (how awesome that we have ALL been there!) and had iced coffees and it was so good. We were sitting outside and eventually all these crazy teenagers accumulated in front of the cafe in the gathering dusk. It was a bit loud and smoky, but I liked that there were SO many people out that night. Lancaster has really been surprising me lately, with its liveliness. So Ashley, thank you for hanging out, because it was so encouraging, and to Sarah and Genny, I wish you could have joined us! Soon enough.

Last time I wrote was quite a bit before my sister's wedding and we were all getting ready for that... and now it has been a week since the grand event, and we are just getting over it. It was so tiring because of the magnitude of this event, and how much fun we all had. I don't think anybody expected it to go quite so well as it did. We were, and are, so thankful to Jesus. Katie and Ben couldn't have asked for a better wedding day. I think it was especially fun for the obvious reason that everyone involved was family and friends of mine, since I was sister-of-the-bride. So there were all these lovely people in town, and we had a very celebratory weekend with them.

Last Friday night was the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. We had delicious food at our friend's house in the countryside. After that party I thought "ah, well, too bad the weekend's over..." and then realized that this was just the beginning! The actual wedding day was very, very long (up at 6:30, to the church at 8 to start getting ready with the other bridesmaids and Katie!) but I had a really fun time. Being in the wedding party is so good. We got special clothes, people cheered for us, we got to eat dinner first... and being right there with the bride and groom all day is very special, too. I think that was the best part. The wedding had really amazing music in it, and when we were all up front, and then the doors opened and Katie walked out on my dad's arm, it was one of the most beautiful moments in my life. The music swelled and everyone stood up and we all started crying in happiness. (I have tears in my eyes now, just writing about it.) The reception was really relaxed, and we had very tasty Vietnamese food. The best part of the day was the walk through the city to the second reception (yes, a second reception!) We all trailed behind Ben and Katie, and as we walked people honked their horns and yelled and waved from their front porches at us, and we all cheered back. It was awesome to share our joy with the neighborhood. At the second place we danced for 3 hours. What a triumph! Praise the Lord.

So that was a very good day, and a huge blessing to my whole family. We have sort of been recuperating since then, but I have ben getting some things done and starting to settle into this summer. I've had a hard time being content with not working this summer, for a few reasons. But I really think that the Lord is teaching me a lot through this: about learning to trust in Him for what I fill my days with, an learning to just BE, and appreciating and enjoying the ample time I have right now to do what I like to do. And I am really starting to get it, I think. (Talking to Ashley helped me- thanks, dear!) I am not always super happy, but I think this summer more than any other I have my eyes fixed on Jesus. There is a hymn that I like a lot, and this verse tells how I am doing:

I do not ask to see the way
My feet will have to tread;
But only that my soul may feed
Upon the living Bread.
'Tis better far that I should walk
By faith close to His side;
I may not know the way I go, But oh, I know my Guide.

So that, my girls, is what's up with me... I am thinking of you all so often. Sarah, my heart really hurts for your situation with friends and not knowing what to say to them. I am praying for you. And I can't wait to see you in Illinois! Genny, I am so glad you are doing well and I am thinking of you because we have sort of similar summers, I think! I'll be praying for your time at home and all the things you are learning and accomplishing. Ashley, you and your nannying, trampolining, Philly-ing are in my prayers too! It's awesome to live near you and I can't wait till the day we go to bouncefunplex or just hang out again anywhere, really.

LOVE to you all, my good good friends!!

These are some pictures from the wedding.
1) the bridesmaids & katie
2) the sidewalk saunter to the dance party
3) me eliza claire & jon being silly

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