I can finally say we have honey in the bee hive! This news signaled the scrambling of my parents to order all kinds of tools we need like one of those funny white bee suits and a machine for extracting the honey. However, it will be another month before we can actually extract the honey. On that note, I thought I would share some...
Honeybee Fun Facts:
* life expectancy of 38 days
* the queen bee must lay two to three thousand eggs each day
* worker bees go through 6 stages of development and responsibility: cleaner, nurse, storer, repairer, guard and finally scout
* each bee contributes a distinct glandular secretion to the honey according to the function it performs
* each new job a bee performs is signaled by a change in its body chemistry
* bees have milk glands in the front of their brain which they use to feed the larvae
* the guard bee has 1,200 scent organs on its antennae which it uses to pick out any intruders among the thousands that belong to its hive
Pretty cool, right! God really put in a lot of thought about each animal and their function!
Well, Independence Day is approaching and I don't know what I'm going to do because my parents are going out of town, so it will just be my brother and I:( I will just cook some patriotic, scrumptious food if nothing else:D My go-to solution! Last weekend we finally put our boat out on the lake, and it was magnificent to behold the beautiful mountains all around us and feel the wind in my face again. Also, my brother got his wisdom teeth removed, and I had fun watching soup dribble down his chin like a baby because it was still numb.. ha ha:)
I was at the home of the lawyer I'm working for, staining some shelving units of his, and this song came to mind that I learned during my gap year:
Come, let us worship the King of Kings
The creator of all things
Let your song arise to Him
Come and bless the Lord our King
Lord, my heart and voice I raise
To praise your wondrous name
And with confidence I come
To approach your heavenly throne
Come and fill this place with your glory
Come and captivate our gaze
Come and fill us with your fire
That the world might know your Name
For you are God
And you're worthy to be praised
And you are good
For your love will never end
The great I Am
You are faithful in all of your ways
My challenge this summer has been managing all of my free time. All of the projects I may have previously mentioned, or the books I said I was reading are creeping along at a snail's pace because of this frustrating habit:(
Well, Independence Day is approaching and I don't know what I'm going to do because my parents are going out of town, so it will just be my brother and I:( I will just cook some patriotic, scrumptious food if nothing else:D My go-to solution! Last weekend we finally put our boat out on the lake, and it was magnificent to behold the beautiful mountains all around us and feel the wind in my face again. Also, my brother got his wisdom teeth removed, and I had fun watching soup dribble down his chin like a baby because it was still numb.. ha ha:)
I was at the home of the lawyer I'm working for, staining some shelving units of his, and this song came to mind that I learned during my gap year:
Come, let us worship the King of Kings
The creator of all things
Let your song arise to Him
Come and bless the Lord our King
Lord, my heart and voice I raise
To praise your wondrous name
And with confidence I come
To approach your heavenly throne
Come and fill this place with your glory
Come and captivate our gaze
Come and fill us with your fire
That the world might know your Name
For you are God
And you're worthy to be praised
And you are good
For your love will never end
The great I Am
You are faithful in all of your ways
My challenge this summer has been managing all of my free time. All of the projects I may have previously mentioned, or the books I said I was reading are creeping along at a snail's pace because of this frustrating habit:(
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