Buna ziua! (good day in Romanian)
My summer continues to be rather uneventful and drab on a community level, while, personally, the possibilities are bulging in every which direction, and many of these possibilities could lead to more vibrant fellowship with others if I direct these opportunities in a humble, giving way:) I received my penny whistle in the mail today, so now I will attempt to master a different type of flute which is more versatile and fast-paced, allowing for more Celtic duets with my brother on fiddle. I'm also in the very early stages of making another dress, which seems to have me in a more upbeat mood - I appreciate the whole process of constructing clothing, from the measuring to the cutting of the pattern to the sewing part. Sewing is a very good lesson in patience because I can always expect some setbacks that require thorough attention in order to arrive at the desired product.
I'm reading East of Eden currently, as so many have recommended this piece of work to me in the past (cough cough Ashley), and I can hardly put it down! I do love the characters and the descriptions of each detail, and I can't help but bring snippets from the book into conversations I have with others - a sign of a good story in my eyes. I'm also studying up on the Romanian language and history, as well as plucking my way through George Orwell's 1984, at the recommendation of the staff in Romania.
I continue to work for the lawyer, while he and his wife are off galavanting all over Paris and Normandy, but oh well... he's a nice boss. We also extracted another load of honey from the bees, as they are busy as ever zooming all over town to find the sweetest, richest nectar to satisfy their two stomachs- one day one decided to get stuck in my curly hair, causing a screaming frenzy on my part as I could hear the buzzing and was waiting for the bee to sting me at any moment, but thankfully the bee was freed without causing me any pain, whew!
I love you all, from the east to the west! Every day I look forward to reading your posts!
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