Sunday, July 4, 2010

And so it was that July came without a sound or warning. . .

Friends so dear to my heart!
i miss you all.

I apologize that it has taken me so very long to update this blog . . . I have no valid excuse. Life has been busy busy busy and it's just so easy to get wrapped up in the happenings of Lancaster and forget to keep tabs on my friends in other places, so I apologize. I am realizing this summer how awful I am at following through on things when it comes to "keeping in touch" ... but I will try harder.

ANYWAY. It is hard to say how long this post will be as right now I am babysitting and the children are down for a nap. As soon as I hear a cry I will have to run ....I was having quite a difficult time with the 10 month old not too long ago..crying, crying, crying with no signal as to what she wanted. I finally laid a hand on her in her crib and prayed that God would fill her eyes with sleep and... he did. How faithful and good God is! I have been praying a lot during my babysitting days as my patience is wearing thin and often times my strength is non existent. This week has been a somewhat rough one of babysitting but God is helping me through. (Last night I had the most horrid incident with an 11 month old who I thought was choking! It was the most frightening thing I think I have ever experienced and I am so thankful that God cleared her air ways...oh my friends it was awful. I do not even wish to remember it right now to tell you more in detail.) Thankfully tomorrow I finally have a whole entire day off! A whole DAY! You cannot even imagine how excited I am! haha I think we are going boating/water skiing/ tubing, etc. so that should be lovely. I am worn out and so ready for a day of rest. Next week (leaving on the 10th) we are going on vacation so that will be wonderful as well! A whole week of family, friends, and the beach with nothing to do but read and knit, make good food, sleep, write, etc. Hurray!

I am trying to think what all has happened since the last time I wrote. My time continues to consist of babysitting Monday-Friday, working at Rita's a few evenings a week, helping my dad mow grass, and then hanging out with friends as much as possible when I have free time.

The most exciting thing that happened recently was my trip to Philadelphia with the "young adults" from my church. (young adults sounds so official to me haha it was a group of college kids with one "young adult dad" thrown in the mix :) ) It was an incredible trip and God taught me a lot about humility and living intentionally. I cannot explain to you properly all that we did so hopefully I will remember to tell you in the fall or something but... the trip was focused on "displaced people" (esp. refugees) and we focused a lot on God as "the one who rescued us from Egypt." Leading up to the trip we read "Jesus Wants to Save Christians" by Rob Bell, a really intriguing and good book with thoughtful perspectives. So while in Philly we spent a lot of time learning about refugees and doing experiential learning to know what it would be like to live like a refugee (we could only pack in a grocery bag, one night some people had to sleep outside on the concrete, we cooked foods from the international aisle that we had never heard of, etc.). Our sister church is in Philly so we also spent time with some people from there learning about how they are impacting their communities and what God is doing in their church. That was probably one of the most encouraging things to me --- meeting people whose lives really revolve around building the kingdom of God, whose time is spent primarily on God's kingdom and his people rather than a job...I do not know quite how to explain it to you but it was so incredible to see and hear how these people are living for Jesus. God also reminded me of my need to step outside of my comfort zone (a lesson I also learned on La Vida...) anyway, my thoughts are not really collected, part of me feels like they have not been collected all summer long and I keep thinking one of these days they will all line up in a nice little row... haha! Basically the trip was really great and I am so thankful that I was able to go and build new relationships. Oh! We also watched this super interesting documentary called "With God on our side" (it made me think of you, Genny.) - it was all about the crisis in Palestine and the "zionist movement" and all kinds of interesting, provocative things. It made me quite sad to see how Christians are supporting such violent behaviors. . .

I should probably wrap this up, Lindsey (the mom :) ) said I should wake Sam up by 4 if he's not up by then and it is quickly nearing that time. I am so thankful however, for this brief time of peace and quiet, time to rest and finally write to you lovely ladies a little bit. I am sorry if this is jumbled and confusing, but I guess that's the most honest update I can give you right now.

I am weary and tired but also content. I know God is good and I know that it is his faithfulness that has provided these jobs for me to work so that I can pay for school. The more drained I feel the more I must rely on Christ to fill me up. ( that is one thing I realized i must do more-- I feel as though I keep pouring myself out, saying yes to a million things and then I forget to allow myself to be filled up again by our Savior.) But oh God is so good and I cannot complain. My weariness just causes me to be more dependent on him which is what I wanted to do ever since the summer began and La Vida ended.

I cannot believe that it is July already! (Happy 4th of July! I keep forgetting that's today haha) I do so love being home and being with the wonderful people here that I can already tell it is going to be difficult to leave next month. I have been so blessed by friendships at home this summer ...but anyway, La Vida taught us to "be here now" so I am trying not to fret the future. (and I know the fall will be great in all kinds of different ways! I just sometimes (and by sometimes I mean most if not all of the times haha) struggle with transitions.)

For real now, I will go. Thanks for updating this blog! You all write so eloquently and I absolutely love hearing about your lives! Hannah and Sarah I hope Cornerstone was AWESOME! I thought of you much and wished I could be there with you : ) Genny, hurray for honey!

Back to babysitting I go,

much much MUCH love,

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