Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bonjour mes amies!

I just came in from playing outside with some little friends that live next door. I don't really know them that well, but I was reminded of last weeks sermon on being a good neighbor; I had forgotten how delightful children can be.

Last weekend, I went on my first backpacking trip (many years ago my dad would carry our stuff, so it didn't really count) on none other than the Appalachian Trail with my pastor's wife and a very good friend I've grown up with. I was amazed at the diversity of the trail; we went through fern-laden forest, over grass-covered balds, and through eastern hardwood rain forest. The wildflowers put forth their best for us along the trail, and God blessed us with perfect timing in reaching the shelter just before the rain poured. We stayed in the loft of an old barn, and I look back at that night as just raw community... There were a lot of people staying in this shelter on this particular night, more than the shelter was made to hold! However, we enjoyed cooking our camp food alongside the other backpackers and their little jet stoves full of Ramen noodles:) We chatted about our lives and such. One girl's name was Laura Lou! She was from Miami, with lots of joy in the Lord, really passionate. There was also a guy from Germany.. some of the guys were joking about teaching him how to be a redneck ha ha. I promise I wasn't hanging out with any rednecks though:) We played ERS and a new card game called Golf by the light of a flashlight. We definitely roughed it sleeping on the bare barn floor with the wind howling and rain pouring, but I guess it's good practice for la vida. Well, anyway, I hope one day the four of us can backpack on the AT together after gaining all the experience from la vida:)

After looking at the pattern of my daily routine in the last few weeks, I have finally learned the value of having a devotion in the morning, and so I started regularly this week. I see a difference in my attitude throughout the day and also my mind is more focused on the right things. Sarah, I have struggled this summer with laziness too; I will be praying for you in that. I think this week I found my joyful self again after struggling with procrastination and not knowing how to fill my free time.

My parents were out of town for about a week and a half, so I did have the opportunity to cook more than the usual. I had a dessert/movie night with some friends, and we watched Steele Magnolias! It seems to be a quintessential southern film+ it centers on the camaraderie between a group of ladies, so I really want to bring it up to school. Just about every other line is hilarious!

My family is leaving for Colorado this Saturday to rough it and have fun in the mountains and lakes of the majestic Rocky Mountains! I'm going to try to still keep up with the blog.

Well, I feel like I just wrote such boring news, but it is what it is.

Even though I really don't want to return to school, I'm really looking forward to seeing the three of you=)

Much love,

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