Dear Friends,
I have loved reading every word of every post you have written, and become more thankful for this blog daily. Thank you all for being so faithful with this. I have been very blessed.
Last time I wrote was nearly 3 weeks ago! Madness. I have a bit more to add to my ongoing saga of transitioning back home. I was feeling more encouraged when I last wrote, but yet a little unsettled and unsure of why the Lord has given me a summer like this (not working much, etc.) That next week was really encouraging in this regard; I received a lot of good words from people- from some Gordon friends, some people here, and from the Lord's Word- that helped me be content in the place I am in. I even began rejoicing that I have such a great amount of free time, and really taking a hold of that. God also provided a lot of babysitting, which was uplifting. I feel more OK being home, more certain of His plans and less depressed as time goes on. He has been faithful in so many ways, girls.
The night before we left for Cornerstone, I watched some kids and then had several hours to hang out in their kitchen after they went to bed. I had tea and read Madeleine L'Engle and journaled. It was so rich. I also had a good time talking to the Lord, later, at home, in my cozy basement room. I knew that the next week would be very full, and very peopled. I was right. It was such a good week, though, friends. All of the people from PA who are dear to my heart came on this trip: it was my whole family plus 9 friends. (The only people missing were Katie and Ben.) It was a long week, but a good one. There were some unexpected events that taught me a little about leadership and trust in God, which I usually don't expect on vacation for some reason.
I was honestly most excited to see our own Sarah Bradley, and so when she came out to the festival for 3 days I was so pumped! Sarah, I am so glad you came. It was a huge blessing in MANY ways to have you there, not the least of which was your getting to meet all my nearest 'n dearest. I loved that time when I came back to the campsite and found Sarah with my friends Julie, Morgan, Chloe and our camping neighbors Stephen and Peyton all sitting in the Vanagon with pillows and blankets listening to the Tallest Man on Earth. It was so cozy, and I was so overwhelmed at this extraordinary gathering of people who had such love for one another though most had just met. (The aforementioned neighbors were these very sweet guys from Virginia who fit in, with amazing rapidity, to our clan and hung out with us most of the time. New friends!)
At Cornerstone we would get up when the tent retained enough heat to wake us, rummage for breakfast and coffee in the "kitchen" (back of the van), and spend the morning enjoying our homelike and functional campsite. There was a lot of singing that went on, nearly all of the time. And in the afternoon people would go and return to the lake, or seminars, or to see bands. In the evenings we would all, 16 of us, eat a meal together and then to see various bands play late into the night. It was a lovely routine. The weather was so stunning, also: breezy, sunny, in the 80s during the day and sweater-weather at night. Some of my favorite shows were: Eisley, mewithoutYou, Over the Rhine, Listener, Timbre, Brooke Waggoner and, surprisingly, Switchfoot! I had forgotten that they were going to be there, and also how fun of a show they put on. It was a good week of spending time with people I love a lot, and the Lord showing his mercies to me.
A bit of wonderful news is that my dear friends Claire and Jonathan got engaged, the first day we were there. (!!!)
I thought I'd share some poetry that I've been reading a lot. Ever since La Vida I've been stuck on "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot. This is a little portion of it. And then some photos and then I'll sign off. I love you, four ladies in the summer, and you are all still in my daily thoughts and prayers.

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