(she and andy are engaged.)
they're getting married, people!
i'm the maid of honor.
my good friend matt is the best man.
it's going to be one big PARTY.
it might be happening as soon as november -
my mom is going a tad bit crazy.
i'm excited. (and let's be honest, a
little sad and nervous and nostalgic, too.)
(ok, they both might not like it if they saw this picture on the internet buuuuut, look how happy andy is! haha and let me tell you, he is so happy now too so i thought this did justice. haha this is them at nick's roast beef for the first time. my dad loves that place waaaaay too much.)
Moving on . . . I have not posted in a long time and for that I apologize. All of your posts however, are simply delightful as always.
Sarah, I do believe we are in a time machine! I am glad that I am not the only one who has felt crammed unwillingly into a time machine set on "as fast as possible." Seriously, almost August? Almost time to set out on all of our adventures? (and Nina and Claire, you are not left out of that! Every day is an adventure, my friends - and sometimes adventures in the midst of normalcy are the sweetest of all.)
Uh oh, I feel a ramble-y update coming on.
In most recent news, I just returned from Colorado! Friends it was lovely, breathtaking (quite literally and figuratively.), indescribable and oh so fun. I have been longing to go to Colorado for quite some time and finally being there was nearly magical. We spent the days hiking and exploring, two of my most favorite things. We saw the most magnificent sites and laughed as we crammed into my brother's little car. We went to a market and ate a lot of yummy food. We saw elk and snow cap mountains and the prettiest skies every day. One of my favorite moments was when Zach took me on a sunrise hike. I was nervous because I had never gone hiking in the dark before. (Zach hadn't either, and he was scared too though he tried not to show it.) But oh, it was lovely. We awoke at 3am, were on the trail by 3:40ish and reached the top just in time to see the sun cresting the horizon. About an hour and a half of our hike took place in the dark and oh my heart trembled. (especially when we passed a sign that warned us that "bear activity" was reported in the area a few weeks ago. I had zero desire to run into a bear in the dark.) I thought often of that verse in psalms, 'Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.' I told Zach about the chapel at Gordon, the one that shared how that verse means that God sheds light enough for one step, not enough to see down the whole path necessarily, but enough to take the next step. (because that's all we need, even though we argue otherwise time and time again.) The hike proved to be such a pleasant time with mybrother. I love him so and miss him when he's not at home.
[...a few photos. ]

.. i am trying to remember what else has happened in the past weeks. my days are still filled with babysitting mostly, and landscaping and grass. God is helping me to love the kids i babysit, to sincerely love them and speak to them with patience and gentleness and for that i am thankful. i think we are going to pick peaches next week and i am really excited for that! we baked cupcakes two weeks ago and oh it was fun. they love baking but their mom does not do it very often so it's always a pleasure helping them bake something tasty. i have had some pleasant conversations with fred, ethel, and michael while weeding and that has been a blessing too. michael is slowly inching his way into my heart despite his anything but speedy work habits, (haha) he really means well and has a kind heart, this i am learning. (oh to stop judging others! i do this far too often.)
my really good friend Laura is getting married this Saturday and that is CRAZY! ellie and i are both bridesmaids and our friend jeremy is the dj so it should definitely be a a great time, it's just so bizarre to think about such a dear friend getting married! (she is not quite one year older than me..., actually she's more like three months older than me- haha.) it will be my first time ever being in a wedding so i am really looking forward to sharing in such a special day, what an honor.
other than those things, i've still been playing soccer and whiffle ball a lot with friends*, swimming late at night, picking raspberries along the road, making zucchini bread, crafting, writing, reading, and soaking in these summer days that sift like sand through my fingers!
*on the note of playing soccer and whiffle ball however, i went to the doctor today to (ahem, finally...) get my knee checked out because it has (still) been rather sore lately and i need it to be in top condition for the wild semester. i was given some drugs and some instructions to stay off of it for the next 10 days. this is going to be hard but i know i must. i was thankful because the doctor was really thorough, knowledgeable, and friendly. (sometimes the doctors do not seem to do very much which is why i was hesitant to go in...) God is faithful in answering prayers. if you girls remember, please pray that it would heal and be ok for the wild semester... or just pray that i will trust God and learn to fully depend on him. i have often wondered if this is one of those things that maybe God will use on the wild semester to teach me a lot about humility and trust and faith.
i am still reading and thoroughly enjoying N.T. Wright's book 'Surprised By Hope.' it is making me think a lot and it's good. i'm still trying to memorize psalm 25 before august 21st. on another note, i feel like God has been teaching me a lot about his love recently, i feel like he has been saying something like, "Let me love you, fully without restraint. Do not seek satisfaction in other lovers, I want to satisfy you - I want to be enough for you." this is a hard lesson, my friends. i am so easily distracted. as we hiked a trail in Colorado i read a sign that read "If a forest at this elevation doesn't burn about every 50 years, the entire ecosystem suffers." i fear my heart is an overgrown forest. it needs a fire not every 50 years, but every day (perhaps every moment.) a multitude of weeds eat up sunlight in my soul. that which is good and beautiful is choked out. the cactus of 'what does everyone think of me' is running rampant. the thistles of 'what the future holds' trip my feet while the dandelions of pride and selfishness keep me from loving others. (and being loved.) i need God to daily burn away everything that is choking him out. (that is what i penned in my journal in colorado...)
fire burns, fires do not leave behind much. but what else do we need but Christ? (mewithoutyou says it well, "if i come without a thing, i come with all i need." you can listen to it here.)
this is long and ramble-y and perhaps unexpected. i need to go get ready for a little girl's night pre-wedding gathering tonight, hurray!
i love you all so much.
and here's a thought, what if we kept this up through the fall since we will continue to be apart from each other? i would really be glad.
here's hoping your days are filled with rhythms of rest, joy, and gratitude.
with a heart so full,
Hoorah for Leah and Andy!!!!! Hoorah for the Miller family!!! what incredibly exciting news, it almost seems too much to bear. And hoorah also for getting your knee checked out dear Ashley... :)