Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wild Ponies and Rainbows and an Air Force Jet


I returned yesterday from a delightful overnight backpacking trip in the Grayson Highlands State Park in Virginia. I went with my pastor's wife, Betsy, and two dear friends I've grown up with. It was an invigorating two days hiking through fern-laden forests and over grassy balds, encounters with sociable wild ponies and late night conversation. We were taking a break on a big rock face during lunch and watching a pony roll around on her back while a colt was chasing buzzard turkeys and galloping in endless circles. This colt seemed quite playful and mischievous but its mother didn't seem to notice at all haha. Then, suddenly, we hear this loud noise in the distance and, out of the blue, an Air Force jet wizzed by. We played a card game called "Garbage" and talked about our different college experiences in the coziness of the tent while rain fell outside. Betsy talked about a book she read called "1000 Gifts," which started out as the author's journal for keeping account of daily moments of thanksgiving. She talks about the Greek word eucharistos, which means thankful, and the word charis, which means grace. Grace, according to the Greek Lexicon, is that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, and loveliness. We talked about the importance of finding this grace in ordinary moments and giving thanks to God, which is a good lesson for me in the midst of many uneventful days.

Some nights my parents and brother and I gather to sing songs while my mom/brother play guitar. My favorite has always been "Blessed Be Your Name" ~ Every blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise/ When the darkness closes in Lord still I will say/ Blessed be the Name of the Lord/ Blessed be your Name.

We went to my second cousin Christina's wedding in NC, which was a fun family affair complete with fun times with cousins and aunts and uncles and lots of dancing! I've enjoyed getting to know my relatives better as I get older and hearing stories from them about my great grandparents and great aunts and uncles. Christina wore the wedding dress that her grandmother, her mother, and her two aunts all wore for their weddings!

I pray that you all are having/will have a blessed week, and Claire's idea sounds splendid, if only we could all be whisked away from our various duties.

I love you all and I'm thinking of you,


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